Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Aug 8, 9: Soccer, bike riding, softball and bike riding... Is there a running theme here?

The first week of school was fun for Diego- Success!!  We are just delighted.  Diego has made a friend, Ilan, whose mom is a teacher and dad is the headmaster at EARJ.  Ilan has been here for over a year and really knows the ropes of the school.  He encouraged Diego to come to soccer practice on Saturday and a softball game on Sunday.  The organization running Saturday soccer seems excellent, comprised of French and Brazilian players who are patient, fun and speak Portuguese, French and English.  For this first weekend Diego decided to observe and then hang with Ilan.  After practice, his parents took Diego with them for lunch and some time for playing.  Jim and Debbie headed to the Lagoa to check it out.  We took Jim's bike and rented one for Debbie, allowing them to ride the full perimeter.  Very cool since the weather was perfect and there were cold cocos all along the way.  We also located many places where we could rent a bike for Diego as well.  

Sunday we headed back to the EARJ field for a softball game.  We had understood that kids would be playing and that the US Consulate was sponsoring it.  When we got there, we were greeted by incredibly friendly people from the Consulate.  Jim just by chance happened to wear one of his Gamecock t-shirts.  One woman exclaimed, "you're a Gamecock!" and it was there that we met Jimmy and Susan Strong, as well as their 12-year old son, Mac (who also attends EARJ).  Jimmy is the US Consul General in Rio.  He and Susan grew up in Monck's Corner, SC and are total Gamecock fans.  Mac is as well and had spent the summer at the Steve Spurrier football camp.  Small world!  We had read that the new US Consul General was from South Carolina but didn't put two and two together until we all started to talk.  Susan and Debbie spent the entire game talking non-stop while Jim, Diego, and a few others kids and lots of adult men played softball.  It was fun to watch, especially when Diego got a hit, got to first base and eventually ran home to score!

After the game, we rode the bus to Leme beach, about 30 minutes on the city bus (for the equivalent of about $1).  The water was cold and the undercurrent strong but people were still in the water.  We walked along the beach to Copacabana where Diego suggested we rent bikes (YES!).  He got on those two wheels and went flying, saying how much he missed riding (since in SC we ride to Rosewood everyday).  Along the Copacabana Beach all the way to Leblon, one entire side of the main street is closed to traffic so that people can freely walk, bike, and skate.  People are moving here and we're joining along!

View of Dois Irmãos from EARJ 

EARJ field for soccer practice

Ilan and Diego holding up the Eiffel Tower

Cold cocos for Debbie and Jim at the Lago

Jim and his bike, brought all the way from SC

Cool branches

 The softball crew
Diego on first base

Debbie and Diego's rented bikes

The end of Copacabana Beach on a Sunday

Mmm, corn (milho na espiga)

Leme Beach

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